My path through the jungle into the light
My Way of Thinking
Due to the never ending recent events
Wellbeing beyond Pharmaceuticals
The tree of inflammation
Inflammation: an attempt at an explanation
Healing needs the Acute Inflammation
The stress system
Immunity - a conflict of metaphors?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Vaccination & Immunity
Allergy and the Corona Measures
Time in biology
The Connection between Stress and Inflammation
Being ahead of time of illnesses, and achieving longevity
How long we live depends on how we live our lives
Changing the perspective on the genes
FOODS - an area of diabolic controversies
Food, or what are my eating habits like?
Fasting kick-starts the autophagy process in our cells
Food between biology and biochemistry
Food should nourish us
Do your own research
Keep moving – sitting is our enemy
Lifestyle for wellbeing
Biestmilch makes the gut more stress-resistant
»Treating« with Biestmilch is a means of modulating immunity and stress levels
"Nourishing" with Biestmilch means preventing illness
In defence of fatty tissue
Fatty tissue between metabolism and inflammation
Obesity is a regulatory disorder
Insulin is key to weight regulation
Sleep and our internal clocks
Improving performance and wellbeing
Relaxation and illness
High performance needs a robust balance
My love for Biestmilch stands
In times of Corona
New Chewable Tablets without Sorbitol
Experience by experimentation
All charts on one page