This is what preventing is about. It is so incredibly simple!
Countless times I have been asked whether Biestmilch can be of help in this or this or this condition…
Yes, it may, I am using to say. We are all individuals, even though life follows the same rules in all of us, that applies to other species as well. For this reason, you never can predict an actual result. As coming from medicine I know really what this means.
How can we then tell of complex foods such as Biestmilch/Colostrum. What we know that Biestmilch is totally harmless. We have no documented side-effects since mire that 20 years.
Für Ihr Wohlbefinden ist ein gesundes und starkes Immunsystem von größter Bedeutung, um sich nicht mit COVID-19 zu infizieren, mit welcher Variante Sie auch immer konfrontiert werden sollten. Die Impfstoffe werden stark beworben, die "akuten (Neben-)Wirkungen?" aind enorm, die langfristigen Nebenwirkungen, die uns möglicherweise treffen werden, noch nicht abschätzbar.
Der Gehalt an Immunglobulinen (Antikörpern) in Biestmilch ist hoch, darüber hinaus enthält sie die unterschiedlichsten Botenstoffe, die für die Zellkommunikation und -differenzierung essentiell sind.
Vor hundert Jahren starben viele Menschen an vermeidbaren Infektionskrankheiten, da es keine Heilung gab. Auch heute sterben die meisten Menschen an vermeidbaren Erkrankungen wie koronaren Herzkrankheiten, Krebs, Lungenerkrankungen oder der komplexen Erkrankung des Diabetes. Zusammen sterben ca. 9 von 10 Menschen daran. Aber heute liegt es – zumindest in unseren Gesellschaften – in unserer Hand, etwas dagegen zu tun. Es ist nicht die Medizn, die diese Möglichkeiten eröffnet.
Wissenschaftler schätzen, dass 90 Prozent von uns mit einigen einfachen Lebensstilentscheidungen bis zu 90 Jahre alt werden könnten. Außerdem könnten wir frei von chronischen Erkrankungen leben, die unsere letzten Lebensjahre so elend machen. Selbst wenn wir in der Familiengeschichte Herzkrankheiten oder Krebs vorkommen, halten wir doch unser Schicksal großenteils in unseren Händen.
Eine aktuelle Studie zeigt auf, dass wir Langlebigkeit und Wohlbefinden nicht so maßgeblich „erben“ wie bisher angenommen. Stattdessen bestimmt die Summe unserer Gewohnheiten, wie wir unser Leben leben, unsere Lebensdauer. Wenn wir unser Leben nicht erben, wenn wir es weitgehend selbst bestimmen, warum ist dann unser Lebensstil nicht eines unserer Hauptanliegen?
What has rarely been a matter of people’s concern are the measures that can be taken to prevent illnesses. Unfortunately, we do not see any reason for changing anything in our way of living until a diagnosis such as a heart attack or cancer hits us. Then maybe we start reconsidering our lifestyle. At that point, reversing the disease is possible up to a certain degree but a lot more difficult.
Of course, since the future is always uncertain, we will never really know what would have happened, if we had made different decisions at certain points in our life. But the many examples we can read or experience for ourselves ultimately prove that preventive action can change our life and the way we age.
A certain lifestyle which includes sleeping, eating, moving and recovering determines how we age and which diseases we may suffer from. No matter how healthy we are in this moment of time, regardless of our age, we can make better choices in the moment, we can take preventive measures. Small decisions - about how we eat, move, and sleep each day - count more than we think.
The quality of what we eat matters far more than the overall quantity, less is usually better. This is the primary finding from a landmark Harvard study that tracked more than 100,000 people for two decades. The researchers discovered that the types of foods we consume influence our health more than our total caloric intake. Quality of food matters even more than levels of physical activity.
But the body takes time to respond to dietary changes, usually a year or more, according to experts. Instead of worrying about which diet fad to choose, we should accept that preventing is better than curing which means that the choices of the moment matter for how we age, how we feel and how we die in the end. In our Western societies we are lucky having this choice, so why to spoil it!
Prevention is about a state of mind rather than a single decision at any given time. Prevention is a process over years, a lifetime decision. It takes time, patience and a good understanding of one's own body to get a sense of how our posture, muscles and other soft tissue change, the body as a whole becomes more stable and our immunity and stress resistance improves.
When we are young, the body is very forgiving of all the big and little mishaps that occur. The potential for regeneration, adjustment and change is huge. But the young body also has its limits. We can sadly see that today in all the overweight children with high blood pressure and diabetes. It is still possible to put things in "reverse gear", but: the older we become, the longer those regeneration processes take. With age, we all become more rigid.
However, if you make a concerted effort to change your lifestyle for three whole weeks, paying attention to your diet, exercise, sleep and relaxation needs, you will notice that you do change and start to feel significantly better.
Biestmilch is a substance that has both preventive and healing properties. With its added ability to improve your mood, it is an ideal companion on the journey towards a change in lifestyle.