Stomach and gut issues nowadays belong to the most frequent complaints influencing our well-being. The increased permeability of the gut epithelia is a very sensitive factor. It changes depending on what we eat or drink, whether we move or not, and when we take medication. Severe injuries and stress exposure in general have the same effect, they increase permeability.
Pronounced mechanical forces, disturbances of the blood circulation, pH- shifts or changes in temperature at this interface between the body's insde and the outside world foster the inflammatory processes.
Inflammation increases the permeability of mucosal lining of the gut. If the gut permeability is increased, then whole bacetria can reach the body's inside and strain the immune balance. This perturbation permanently pressures the regulatory systems of the organism and stimulates already chronically smouldering inflammatory processes.
The „Leaky-gut Syndrome“ includes all phenomena which may lead to an increased gut permeability. The physiology underneath is complex: The reduced blood flow, ph-shifts, raised body core temperature, exposure to shearing forces due to movements, increased release of oxygen free radicals, activation of immune cells, secretion of soluble immune factors, and a hyperactive autonmous nervous system und many more are part and parcel of a leaky gut. The pharmacolgical options to treat the symptoms, not to mention to treat the cause are - epsrecially in sports - very limited. Therefore there is great interest in natural substances.
Permeability of the gut mucosa. Th ecells sit tightly packed beside each other. Like this good communication is guaranteed. Countless factors influence the network among the cells. These connections are very interference-prone.
An English study underlines the effect of the Biestmilch:
Raymon J. Playford and co-workers have performed experiments on the topic of the leaky gut and got amazing results related to gut permeability. The positive effects of Biestmilch on the gut permeability are associated with molecules such as immunoglobulins, antimicrobial peptides (Lactoferrin, Lactoperoxidase), growthfactors and cytokines. These molecules are needed for the quick regeneration of the sensitive cells of the gut. The cells have been exposed to stress factors like raised temperatures. This procedure was performed with and without Biestmilch. Critical parameters for the cell function have been scrutinzed.
All results underscore that Biestmilch increases the stress resistance of epithelia cells.. The cells became more temperature resistant and cell death was significantly reduced. In conclusion, the findings show that in a physiologically relevant sports model, Biestmilch appears beneficial in maintaining the gut stability.